Katherine Stutz-Taylor

United States

Katherine Stutz-Taylor graduated in 1980 from U.C. Santa Barbara, California with a B.A. Graphic Arts; and a M.F.A. from San Jose State University, San Jose, California in 1988. She has been creating relief prints and etchings according to a variety of processes since she started making prints at the age of 12. Katherine turned to copper plate and non-toxic printing in 1998. Her wood cuts continue to develop from one to multiple blocks. All her work is original from drawings or photographs she has taken. Katherine ha Read more...s been involved in teaching art to adults and children since 1980 in classes, workshops and sharing her art with prospective buyers. Katherine has been exhibiting her art since 1978 in juried, group and solo shows in the United States and in Europe. Katherine taught Art in California 1999-2015, 3 years in Bavaria Germany, 2 years in Occoquan Virginia, USA, and 1 year in Sicily Italy. Katherine presently lives and works in Germany.
