United States

Michael Montenegro (1952, Albuquerque, NM, USA) is an American painter and sculptor and has been exploring the art of puppet theatre for the last 30 years (Michael is a master puppeteer, note by Bert Menco). Credits for his work are largely confined to the Chicago area but also beyond the USA, including the Czech Republic. Besides his independent work, his Chicago area works include puppetry for Chekov stories: “The Emerging Woman” (Piven Theatre Workshop, Evanston, IL) and “Argonautika” (Lookingglass Theatre Read more...Company, Chicago, IL). In his attempts to unearth the puppet 's power, he has built figures as small as two inches from cloth but also wire figures of enormous size, always struggling to achieve a delicate balance between sculpture and movement.

Skills: woodcut


11th Biennial
10th Biennial