Curated by: Nuno Canelas

10 August - 31 October


Alijó Bragança Celeirós Chaves Favaios Foz Côa Régua S. Martinho de Anta Vila Real

9th Printmaking Biennial of Douro Catalogue

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The 9th Biennial of Douro without limits

Based on the oldest demarcated wine region in the world - the Douro and winner of two heritages of humanity granted by UNESCO is world renowned both for its vineyard landscape and for the archaeological heritage of the Côa Valley. Here is the largest sanctuary of Paleolithic engraving of the world, but the Douro is also in the contemporary scene one of the biggest events of graphic art in the world, creating a strength and dimension that goes beyond the borders of the country and is projected for infinite horizons.


Pursuing this aim and ambition achieved, the Biennial of Douro has overcome the challenges of interiority, the economic crisis, the cultural crisis, the engraving crisis itself and it has kept alive the assumptions of the art and the autonomy of the printmaking in the context of the contemporary art. To this end, have contributed the traditional printmaking and its secular alchemy, but also, the renewed trend of digital printmaking and the new media at their disposal, in order to give it the autonomy it needs to survive. The open field to the printmaking by the new hybrid languages and nontoxic techniques, have designed it impact in an innovative way and with the vitality so long desired in its fields.

The Curator, Nuno Canelas

Global Event

There are over two hundred biennials in the world, but it is not every city that can hold a Biennial.It is necessary for a biennial to born and to grow, a clear awareness that the issue of the identity more... in the contemporary world has other problems that go beyond national or regional identities. The construction of this identity is much more complex than the question of the nation or of the region. A touristic region as the Douro, needs an International art Biennial that confirms internationally it's modernity and entrepreneurship.

The Best Artists

Assuming the responsibility of being the unique Biennial of graphic work of the country, its evolution since its origin in 2001, placed it on an unimaginable level today, abreast of the most important biennials in the world. more... To prove this, we highlight the exhibition tribute to world-renowned artists such as Antoni Tàpies, Paula Rego, Vieira da Silva, Octave Landuyt, Gil Teixeira Lopes, Nadir Afonso, David de Almeida, Bartolomeu do Santos, Júlio Pomar and now José de Guimarães and others, but also by the breadth and internationality reached with more than 1.000 artists form 100 countries represented from all continents.

Bigger than Ever

70 Countries, 700 artists, 1400 prints, 14 exhibitions (Alijó, Bragança, Celeirós, Chaves, Favaios, Régua, São Martinho de Anta, Vila Real), Hommage Artist: José de Guimarães, Conferences more... , Workshops, 14 Comissioners: Portugal, Australia, Austria, America, Canada, China, Italy, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Sweeden, USA.

Features 700 artists from 70 countries. Outstanding!


José de Guimarães Hommage/Exhibition - Museu do Douro, Régua

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Museu do Douro Address:Rua do Marquês de Pombal, 5050-282 Peso da Régua, Portugal Latitude:41.161672 Longitude:-7.790126

Nascido em 1939, José de Guimarães é considerado um dos principais artistas plásticos portugueses de Arte Contemporânea, tendo uma vasta e notável obra na pintura, escultura e outras atividades criativas, o que faz com que seja dos mais galardoados artistas Portugueses. Muitas das suas obras estão expostas em diversos museus Europeus, bem como nos Estados Unidos da América, Brasil, Canadá, Israel e até no Japão. Mais recentemente, em Portugal, José de Guimarães teve um forte envolvimento com a Capital Europeia da Cultura, em Guimarães, que viu nascer o Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães(CIAJG), integrado na Plataforma das Artes e da Criatividade. A própria Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda assinalou a Capital Europeia da Cultura através da cunhagem de uma moeda comemorativa da autoria do artista plástico. Já em 1990 foi-lhe concedido pelo então Presidente da República Portuguesa, Mário Soares, o grau de Comendador da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique. Ingressou na Academia Militar e no curso de Engenharia na Universidade Técnica de Lisboa em 1957. Iniciou a sua formação artística no ano seguinte assistindo a aulas de pintura com Teresa Sousa e Gil Teixeira Lopes e estudando gravura na Sociedade Cooperativa de Gravadores Portugueses. Entre 1961 e 1966, viajou pela Europa, conhecendo de perto a obra de antigos mestres (entre os quais Rubens)e concluiu a licenciatura de Engenharia. A sua carreira "definir-se-ia pela descoberta de regiões distantes e incomuns, de África ao Japão, do México à China. Cada uma destas culturas estimulou-o a desenvolver uma linguagem universal e a transmitir um universo imaginário que, afinal, reaviva a memória da própria História portuguesa, feita de enriquecedoras relações com países longínquos".

José de Guimarães Hommage/Exhibition - Museu do Côa, Foz Côa

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Museu do Côa Address:Rua do Museu 5150-610 Vila Nova de Foz Côa Latitude:41.082252 Longitude:-7.140376

Nascido em 1939, José de Guimarães é considerado um dos principais artistas plásticos portugueses de Arte Contemporânea, tendo uma vasta e notável obra na pintura, escultura e outras atividades criativas, o que faz com que seja dos mais galardoados artistas Portugueses. Muitas das suas obras estão expostas em diversos museus Europeus, bem como nos Estados Unidos da América, Brasil, Canadá, Israel e até no Japão. Mais recentemente, em Portugal, José de Guimarães teve um forte envolvimento com a Capital Europeia da Cultura, em Guimarães, que viu nascer o Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães(CIAJG), integrado na Plataforma das Artes e da Criatividade. A própria Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda assinalou a Capital Europeia da Cultura através da cunhagem de uma moeda comemorativa da autoria do artista plástico. Já em 1990 foi-lhe concedido pelo então Presidente da República Portuguesa, Mário Soares, o grau de Comendador da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique. Ingressou na Academia Militar e no curso de Engenharia na Universidade Técnica de Lisboa em 1957. Iniciou a sua formação artística no ano seguinte assistindo a aulas de pintura com Teresa Sousa e Gil Teixeira Lopes e estudando gravura na Sociedade Cooperativa de Gravadores Portugueses. Entre 1961 e 1966, viajou pela Europa, conhecendo de perto a obra de antigos mestres (entre os quais Rubens)e concluiu a licenciatura de Engenharia. A sua carreira "definir-se-ia pela descoberta de regiões distantes e incomuns, de África ao Japão, do México à China. Cada uma destas culturas estimulou-o a desenvolver uma linguagem universal e a transmitir um universo imaginário que, afinal, reaviva a memória da própria História portuguesa, feita de enriquecedoras relações com países longínquos".

General Exhibition - Museu do Côa, Foz Côa

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Museu do Côa Address:Rua do Museu 5150-610 Vila Nova de Foz Côa Latitude:41.082252 Longitude:-7.140376


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Museu do Douro, Régua

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Museu do Douro Address:Rua do Marquês de Pombal, 5050-282 Peso da Régua, Portugal Latitude:41.161672 Longitude:-7.790126


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Auditório Municipal, Régua

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Auditório Municipal da Régua Address:Av. Dr. Antão de Carvalho, 5050-224 Peso da Régua Latitude:41.164294 Longitude:-7.790543


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Arquivo Histórico Municipal, Chaves

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Arquivo Histórico Municipal Address:Largo da Estação 5400-231 Chaves, Portugal Latitude:41.744977 Longitude:-7.469933


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Espaço Miguel Torga, São Martinho de Anta

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Espaço Miguel Torga Address:Rua Miguel Torga, 5060-449 São Martinho de Anta, Portugal Latitude:41.264782 Longitude:-7.620177


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Teatro, Vila Real

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Teatro de Vila Real Address:Alameda de Grasse, 5000-703 Vila Real, Portugal Latitude:41.299235 Longitude:-7.734362


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Biblioteca Municipal, Alijó

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Biblioteca Municipal de Alijó Address:Rua Comendador José Rufino ES, 5070-031 Alijó, Portugal Latitude:41.276018 Longitude:-7.473407


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Piscinas Municipais, Alijó

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Piscinas Municipais de Alijó Address:Av. 25 de Abril, 5070 Alijó, Portugal Latitude:41.274623 Longitude:-7.474721


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Auditório Municipal, Alijó

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Auditório Municipal de Alijó Address:Avenida Teixeira de Sousa, 1, 5070-012 Alijó, Portugal Latitude:41.276088 Longitude:-7.472956


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Museu do Pão e do Vinho, Favaios

Date:2018-09-05 - 2018-10-31 Building:Museu do Pão e do Vinho Address:Rua Direita 21, 5070-272 Favaios, Portugal Latitude:41.265788 Longitude:-7.501228


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Quinta do Portal, Celeirós

Date:2018-08-10 - 2018-10-31 Building:Quinta do Portal Address:EN 323 - 5060-020 Celeirós, Portugal Latitude:41.241972 Longitude:-7.562976


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

General Exhibition - Centro Cultural, Bragança

Date:2018-09-05 - 2018-10-31 Building:Centro Cultural de Bragança Address:Praça da Sé, 5300-265 Bragança, Portugal Latitude:41.806113 Longitude:-6.756738


International Exhibition with many different techniques of the traditional etching, but also many new techniques from the digital world and new media, installations, etc. A great number of the best artists in the world, show the open space of the new printmaking tendencies, the hybrid techniques, the “Non toxic” etching and here innovation impact in the contemporary art world.

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