
Martin Mevius was born on May 1st, 1966, in Lübeck/Germany. He grew up on the coast of the Baltic Sea, which still heavily influences his artistic work. He has two grown-up daughters and currently lives in Paderborn in the west of Germany, badly missing his “Heimat” at the coast. He works as a substitute headteacher, teaching English and PE at a secondary school. Much interested in poetry, both as writer and reader of poems in German and English, his artistic work often refers not only to his experiences at and m Continuar a ler...emories of the sea, but also to his own poems or other works of literature as he feels that these two forms of art complement each other perfectly. He started etching about 10 years ago and many of his prints are aquatinta and mezzotinto works.

Técnicas: etching aquatint